A Proper Way To Hold And Use Brass Knuckles, by Jairus Nadab

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Unprotected fists can be used to deliver a fatal jolt with brass knuckles. Brass or bronze is typically used to make these, hence the name. People carrying these weapons had a higher likelihood of…

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How To Wear Brass Knuckles?

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How to Properly Defend Yourself with Brass Knuckles

Benefits of Having Pepper Spray in Your Pocket!, by Jairus Nadab

How to Wear Brass Knuckles - The Correct Way

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A Proper Way To Hold And Use Brass Knuckles, by Jairus Nadab

How to Properly Defend Yourself with Brass Knuckles

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An Ancient Samurai Throwing Star is A Well-Known Historical Weapon of Samurais!, by Jairus Nadab