Beefsteak Tomatoes - Burpee

$ 13.50

In stock

Burpee's Dwarf Giant tomato, Organic

Tomato Pole Beefsteak Heirloom

Tomatoes for every taste

Tomato, Super Beefsteak - Burpee

Delicious Tomato

Tomato Delicious Vegetable Seeds - Burpee 11/24

Burpee -- Tomato Super Beefsteak exp 11/23. Burpee Products are grown in CA. If you are not familiar with germination, reach out to a nursery

Tomato Super Beefsteak Vegetable Seeds - Burpee 11/23

How to Plant and Grow Beefsteak Tomatoes

SteakHouse Hybrid

Tomato hybridizers try to improve on heirlooms