Sport Offers a Hopeful Escape From Everyday Life - Sports Conflict

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Sport has the ability to pull people into a hopeful escape from the real world. Rather than dealing with the struggles of day-to-day life, people are able..

Arousal, Anxiety and Stress in Athletes: The Sports and Exercise

Life Lessons Through Sport: Bethany Hamilton on surfing after a

Runner's High: How a Movement of Cannabis-Fueled Athletes Is

Sport as a tool for crime and violence prevention

They're fighting climate change. Here's what gives them hope - Los

Different countries place cultural emphasis on specific sports

Fifa must provide hope by recognising exiled Afghanistan women's

Rugby World Cup organisers hope new safety rules will broaden

Pro-Palestine solidarity in football over Gaza War

Op-Ed: Football is America's war game - Los Angeles Times

Sports As an Escape from Reality. What is the value of sports

Crossing the Line: A Fearless Team of Brothers and the Sport That

Sports are usually an escape, but now we must settle into a life