My Tortoise Shell Is Peeling” – Should You Worry?

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My tortoise’s shell is peeling. Should I be concerned? It is only right to feel worried when you find that your tortoise’s shell is peeling, especially if you’re a new tortoise parent, but shell peeling is a natural process that tortoises go through. As a tortoise grows, it slowly, gently and naturally sheds skin and shell as it grows up. Unlike snakes, the shedding won’t occur in one uniform piece, but instead in flaky patches. Shedding helps tortoises grow new skin, grow a bigger shell, and helps rejuvenate the body to protect it from diseases. It is a perfectly normal cycle that happens throughout their lives.  What are tortoise shells made of?  Tortoise shells have a carapace (the top or dorsal shell) and a plastron (the bottom or ventral shell), both of which should always be hard. These parts are
My tortoise’s shell is peeling. Should I be concerned? It is only right to feel worried when you find that your tortoise’s shell is peeling

Long necked turtle shell peeling advice!!! Hey guys my turtle of 10 years recently began peeling at the shell to reveal a black, possibly softer shell level?? In our ten years he

My Tortoise Shell Is Peeling - Should You Worry?

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