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US20130016237A1 - Portable hand-held device having quad core image processor - Google Patents

US20130016237A1 - Portable hand-held device having quad core image processor - Google Patents

US20130010130A1 - Quad-core image processor for device with image display - Google Patents

US20130010130A1 - Quad-core image processor for device with image display - Google Patents

EP3016366A1 - Desktop information processing apparatus and printing method thereof - Google Patents

US20130010130A1 - Quad-core image processor for device with image display - Google Patents

US20130010130A1 - Quad-core image processor for device with image display - Google Patents

EP3016366A1 - Desktop information processing apparatus and printing method thereof - Google Patents

US20130016237A1 - Portable hand-held device having quad core image processor - Google Patents

US20130016237A1 - Portable hand-held device having quad core image processor - Google Patents

US20130010130A1 - Quad-core image processor for device with image display - Google Patents

EP3016366A1 - Desktop information processing apparatus and printing method thereof - Google Patents