Ottawa man who lost leg, fingers is new face of Lululemon campaign

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Emilio Dutra has been prominently featured in a recent advertising campaign by the Canadian clothing giant, but he doesn't look like most models in the industry: when he was a teen, he lost his leg and four fingers in a boating accident.
Emilio Dutra has been prominently featured in a recent advertising campaign by the Canadian clothing giant, but he doesn't look like most models in the industry: when he was a teen, he lost his leg and four fingers in a boating accident.

Ottawa man who lost leg, fingers is new face of Lululemon campaign

Anaïs Favier on LinkedIn: Really proud of our last lululemon campaign with Norman…

Anaïs Favier sur LinkedIn : C'est officiel, je suis de retour à Montréal. Disponible pour contrats…

Anaïs Favier on LinkedIn: #tiff #shortfilms #calligraphy

Anaïs Favier on LinkedIn: I would love to recommend Sonia here, she worked as a photo retoucher on a…

CBC Lite Ottawa man who lost leg, fingers is new face of Lululemon campaign

Anaïs Favier on LinkedIn: Ottawa man who lost leg, fingers is new face of Lululemon campaign

Tammy Scott on X: So proud of Emilio! Representation matters, and he is such an inspiration to all of us! / X

Amanda Rozak on LinkedIn: Finally sharing after working with the team remotely for six months. LOL!…

Raffaele Megaro on LinkedIn: Ottawa man who lost leg, fingers is new face of Lululemon campaign

Anaïs Favier on LinkedIn: afavier

Anaïs Favier sur LinkedIn : CES 2020 : on a testé… jouer à un jeu vidéo par la pensée

Melanie Rose on LinkedIn: The future of leadership is kindness

Ottawa man who lost leg, fingers is new face of Lululemon campaign

Valesca François posted on LinkedIn