Forests2Follow - A globally significant landscape: South America's

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An unrivalled ecosystem Even in its current fragmented state, the Atlantic Forest is an incredible collection of eco-regions with biodiversity rivalling the . Just one hectare (a bit larger than a football pitch) of the Atlantic Forest can harbour 450 species of trees and there are thousands of unique plant and animal species not found […]

Frontiers Spatial, Temporal and Ecological Patterns of Peri

How one South American country became a lab for conservation

Forests2Follow - A globally significant landscape: South America's

Chapter 44. Non-tropical South America

Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme

Reforestation Research in Latin America Helps Build Better Forests

South America - Rainforests, Biodiversity, Ecosystems

Key steps to saving Latin America's forests

Critically endangered South American forests were man made

Projected vegetation map of South America in 2080 elaborated

Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme

Business models for large-scale landscape restoration projects in

Landscape management is urgently needed to address the rise of

Latin America and the circular economy