Why is the vaginal discharge discolouring your underwear?

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Ladies, have you spotted bleached patches on your panties and did it fill you with panic?
Ladies, have you spotted bleached patches on your panties and did it fill you with panic?

1. Vaginal discharge is normal. - Miyoshi Aesthetics Inc

What Do Bleach Stains in Your Underwear Mean?

Ever noticed a bleached patch in your panties? Your vagina is to


Can Your Vagina Bleach Underwear?

Yellowish, white or brown discharge: the color will tell you!

Bleaching Of Underwear: Is It Or Is It Not Normal?

Is It Safe To Wear Pantiliners for Discharge? – Genial Day

Can Vaginal Discharge Ruin Underwear? - Nona Woman - Nona Woman

Mdsmafe - #TIPS. 1. Vaginal discharge is normal. 2. Wearing

Vaginal discharge: What's with your panties turning white in the