Is a “cup” on a coffee maker always 6 oz? Is this a standard in the US? - Quora

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Answer (1 of 6): A cup is defined as one half of a pint and contains 8 oz. Any container of coffee that has less than 8 oz of coffee is not a cup of coffee in my book. Short measure is a standard practice, they should be prohibited from using the term cup unless it is a full cup, especially if se

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Is a “cup” on a coffee maker always 6 oz? Is this a standard in the US? - Quora

Single Serve Coffee Maker, K Cup Coffee Maker for

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Are coffee cups based on the actual measurement of 1 cup? - Quora

Premium Electric Burr Coffee Grinders

What are the cons of a Bunn coffee maker? - Quora

BELLA Single Serve Coffee Maker, Dual Brew, K-cup

CHULUX Single Serve Coffee Maker, One Cup Coffee

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