Why do many females choose to wear leggings or tights to work out

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Workout – Flurr

Should you wear tight clothes while working out? - Quora

Workout – Flurr

Why do girls wear leggings as pants instead of actual jeans or sweatpants? - Quora

Why do women wear athletic shorts over spandex when they go to the gym? - Quora

Why are guys all of a sudden wearing leggings at the gym when working out? - Quora

Workout – Flurr

Are designer leggings & tights the new trend for working out? - Quora

Why do women wear gym tights outside or inside the gym? - Quora

What are some reasons why women might wear leggings and long shirts to the gym instead of more traditional workout clothing? - Quora

What is it with women at the grocery store in workout clothes? - Quora