Have you ever been inside of a military tank? What was it like? - Quora

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Answer (1 of 8): I spent years in and out of tank turrets as a Tank Turret Repairer. Adding to what Spencer said, they are tight, hot or freezing, depending on the season ( I had my hand stick to the breech one winter, and got 2nd degree burns crawling out in the summer) they smell of sweat, hydr

What is the best looking tank to have ever seen combat? - Quora

If you had to bring one tank to a medieval battle with the goal of inflicting as many casualties as possible, what tank would you bring? - Quora

What is your opinion on the M60 Patton tank as a vehicle? What would you rate it out of ten for its design and combat effectiveness in the modern era? - Quora

What were the strangest tank designs ever proposed? - Quora

If you could have any military tank for personal use only, which one would you choose? - Quora

What is the best looking military vehicle in your opinion? - Quora

Was the T-72 main battle tank ever a match to any of its American counterparts? Just how obsolete is it today? - Quora

How many abrams tanks were lost in the Iraq war? - Quora

What tank was put in service in the most armies during World War 2? - Quora