Felicia Keathley on X: 2018 was my YEAR. Finished losing my last

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How Felicia Keathley Lost 143 Pounds on Weight Watchers

Jessica (@getfitwjessica) โ€ข Instagram photos and videos

Felicia Keathley - Age, Family, Bio

Some days it still - Felicia Keathley-feliciafitnesshealth

Felicia Keathley-feliciafitnesshealth - #MotivationMonday I look

Felicia Keathley - Age, Family, Bio

Felicia Keathley-feliciafitnesshealth - My handsome date ๐Ÿ˜ First

Felicia Keathley-feliciafitnesshealth - #FacetoFaceFriday 2 years ago I decided to change my life. I had times I wanted to give up but no matter what the scale said, no matter if I

Just popping in to - Felicia Keathley-feliciafitnesshealth