The experimental setup, (A) the physical exercise of push-up, (B)

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Download scientific diagram | The experimental setup, (A) the physical exercise of push-up, (B) locations for the eight sEMG sensors, (C) illustration of the natural posture, (D) illustration of the poor posture, (E) the experimental procedure, (F) measurement of the FHA and FSA (Thigpen et al., 2010), (G) measurement of the TKA (Lewis and Valentine, 2010). PU: Push-up. from publication: Effective Assessments of a Short-duration Poor Posture on Upper Limb Muscle Fatigue before Physical Exercise | A forward head and rounded shoulder posture is a poor posture that is widely seen in everyday life. It is known that sitting in such a poor posture with long hours will bring health issues such as muscle pain. However, it is not known whether sitting in this poor posture for | Posture, Effectiveness Assessment and Upper Limb | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.

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