The places that inspired the works of Vincent van Gogh

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The Places that Inspired the Works of Vincent van Gogh Van Gogh lived through a turbulent and restless life. From a very young age, he sought artistic inspiration and an environment that would calm his nerves. "It always seems to me that I am a traveler going somewhere and going to a destination," he wrote to his brother, Theo, in August 1888. He lived in more than 15 different cities throughout Europe. Each place deeply influenced the life and work of the greatest exponent of Post-Impressionism. Living with Vincent van Gogh: The Homes and Landscapes That Shaped the Artist is a book by curator Martin Bailey.
The places that inspired the works of Vincent van Gogh Van Gogh lived a turbulent and restless life. From a very young age he sought artistic inspiration and an environment that would calm his nerves. 'I always seem to me to be a traveler going somewhere and to a destination,' he wrote to his brother, Theo, in August 1888. He lived in more than 15 different cities throughout Europe. Each place profoundly influenced the life and work of the greatest exponent of post-impressionism. Living with Vincent van Gogh: The Homes and Landscapes That Shaped the Artist is a book by curator Martin Bailey.

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