I had a rash that has now got worse, can't see the doctor for a week and I'm worried about inflammatory breast cancer? I am overweight and do sweat under boob

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Breast Cancer Rash: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Veiny Breasts: 12 Causes When Pregnant, Breastfeeding, or Not Pregnant

hazza109 (u/hazza109) - Reddit

Top 12 Causes of an Itchy Rash

Pictures of Inflammatory Breast Cancer - The IBC Network Foundation

Breast Rash: Symptoms of an Infection vs. Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Rash under breast: Causes, treatments, and more

Approach to inflammatory breast cancer

Are itchy armpits attributed to breast cancer? - Quora

Understanding Breast Cancer Rash: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Rash under breast: Causes, treatments, and more

Can Itchy Skin Be a Symptom of Cancer?

What does an early inflammatory breast cancer rash look like?

Breast eczema: Symptoms, treatment, pictures, and more

Recognizing symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer - Washington