🆚What is the difference between te voglio bene assai and ti

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Synonym for te voglio bene assai "Te voglio bene assai" is neapolitan dialect. "Ti voglio bene assai" is the same thing in a more italian correct way. Anyway, "assai" means "a lot" but it's a very tipical neapolitan expression, so, "te" and "assai" are neapolitan word for "ti" and "tanto/molto". So, "te voglio bene assai" is half italian and half neapolitan and "ti voglio bene assai" is 3/4 italiani and 1/4 neapolitan😂 4/4 italian would be "ti voglio tanto bene"😂 just dialects but the meaning is the same ;) |@bof1010 you're welcome!😂👌🏻
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